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Choosing The Best Glass Grinding Wheel

Views: 233     Author: zhongle     Publish Time: 2023-11-16      Origin: Site


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The right diamond wheel for your glass grinding needs can mean the difference between consistent, high-quality parts and reduced efficiency. Inefficient grinding wheels will result in hours of lost production time, which will put you behind schedule. Whether you're beveling edges for construction glass or cutting holes for automotive side glass, keep reading to find the best diamond wheel for your specific needs.

1. Equipment and application

Check the technical specifications of your equipment first and consult with an application engineer to find the best fit for your needs when looking for the right grinding wheel. A high-performance glass grinding wheel's goal is to cut freely with minimal chipping while maintaining its profile for as long as possible. The proper wheel formulation is critical to your operation's success.

Some questions to consider include:

What is the machine spindle power?

Is your machinery CNC-controlled?

Is your machine rigid and powerful enough to reduce vibration?

Is your machine's coolant flow adequate?

What are your production objectives?

Do you have a programmable spindle speed?

Will you be grinding the same type of glass with that wheel every day?

To drive metal-bonded wheels, you must have the proper equipment.

To meet your production goals, the machine must have no free play, no vibration, and plenty of spindle power.

2. Consistency of the grinding wheel

Long-term success may be determined by the consistency of your diamond wheel. Your glass grinding operation should be repeatable, provide the same quality finish, and have a consistent run time between re-grinds to ensure seamless and streamlined production. If your wheels lose shape unexpectedly or require re-profiling at inconvenient times, it will result in machine downtime, production loss, and waste. The consistency and repeatability of your product are critical to the success of your glass grinding operation.

3. Longevity

Glass grinding wheels are typically required to run a minimum of 10,000 meters between dressings. To maintain industry competitiveness, you should aim to re-dress the wheel as little as possible. We can design a wheel with twice the amount of usable diamond as our competitors due to our large selection of molds. Click here for Resin Grinding Wheel.

Metal-bond glass grinding wheels have been shown to retain their shape and profile for longer than other bond types. While re-profiled wheels are unavoidable, having a metal bond wheel will provide the longest run time possible.

4. Choosing a Vendor

Above all, choosing the right glass grinding wheel requires working with a reliable, reputable vendor. Many customers make the mistake of selecting a cutting wheel solely based on price. When comparing vendor a to vendor b solely based on price, you cannot guarantee that the wheel meets all technical or application requirements.

While it may be tempting to buy the cheapest wheel on the market, you will most likely end up spending more in the long run due to shorter run times and excessive wear. Inadequate wheel selection will result in increased downtime, longer wheel re-profiling times, increased scrap parts, and other consequences. Eagle believes in continuous product improvement to keep our customers ahead of the competition.

When choosing a vendor, consider the following:

Will I be able to speak with application engineers?

Is this vendor evaluating my needs or just looking to make a sale?

Will this wheel last in the long run?

Is this vendor willing to guarantee the required run time?

If you answered no to any of these questions, you should continue your search for a vendor who can better meet your needs.

At the end of the day, each customer is distinct. While the type of grinding wheel you use is critical, it all comes down to the application. We've got you covered at Nobler Glass. We measure your needs and find the best-fit metal bond diamond wheels to ensure you achieve your goals using extensive R&D conducted by application-specific experts. When you work with us, you're getting more than just a wheel tailored to your specific requirements; you're also getting an ecosystem of support. We want to be your profit partner, from consultative services to ensuring your wheel performs optimally.

5. Choosing a Grinding Wheel

Once you've determined the best wheel type for your application, whether diamond, cbn, or cdx, it's time to think about the wheel's formulation. Here are the most important factors to consider when deciding on product fit and investment.

5.1 Machine design

Before delving into wheel details, make sure you understand the specifications of your operating machine.

Examine the following characteristics of your machine to determine which wheel type will work best for your application:

Is it manually or automatically operated?

Is coolant used (oil, water-soluble, etc.) in the machine?

5.2 Application of Coolant

To elaborate on the previous point, should you use coolant on your grinding wheel? Yes, that is our recommendation. Although resin-bonded wheels can be used dry, using coolant improves efficiency and significantly increases wheel life. The use of coolant (or lack thereof) also influences the best wheel formulation for your application.

5.3 Abrasive grit size

The grit size on your wheels is determined by mesh sizes, with mesh serving as the standard method of grading power. Larger particles, like sandpaper, remove material faster but leave a coarser finish. The finer the mesh, the less material is removed at a time, resulting in a smoother overall finish.

5.4 Concentration and hardness of abrasives

The abrasive concentration in the grinding wheel determines its hardness. Hardness is affected by the grit of the wheel, the material being ground, the amount of stock to be removed, and other factors. Because there is no industry standard, it can vary depending on the project type and the producing company. Hardness is typically measured on an a-z scale, with a representing the weakest bond and z representing the strongest.

5.5 Spindle speed

The application determines the spindle speed wheel or spindle speed. Lower speeds cause the wheel to behave softer and coarser, while higher speeds cause the wheel to behave harder and finer.

5.6. Shape and size of grinding wheels

Grinding wheels come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit any machine or process. Diamond and CBN wheels, for example, can be as thin as 0.2mm and as long as 30 inches. Whether you're roughing or polishing, the shape, size, and overall formulation of your grinding wheel will be influenced by the material of your workpiece and the desired result. If you're unsure about the proper size or shape for your application, we recommend consulting with our experts to determine the best wheel specifications for your operation.

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