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What are the differences between the BD and BK glass grinding wheels?

Views: 206     Author: zhongle     Publish Time: 2023-07-25      Origin: Site


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What are the ways for polishing glass?

Glass polishing is the process of removing lines, scratches, and other flaws from the glass surface to improve the transparency and refractive index of the glass and make it more vitrified.

1. Fire polishing

The employment of flames to soften the glass surface and the impact of fire on the glass can solve various material textures on the surface of glass products, but it reduces the flatness of the glass surface after processing. The mouth of the hollow glass is usually rough after cutting and can be polished using this procedure.

Glasses that can be used include soda-lime glass and high-jump silicon glass.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to cook.

2. Polishing powder polishing

The use of high-speed rubbing of polishing powder on the glass surface to remove scratches, hairs, and other impurities can significantly increase the glass's light transmittance and refractive effect. Polish the polished region first with abrasive belts before polishing. Pure planes should be polished with emery abrasive discs with a mesh size greater than 400. This polishing procedure employs a variety of tools and materials, but cerium oxide (also known as rare earth) produces the best results. (Powder for polishing)

Most glass goods are suitable for use.

The disadvantage is that it is slower.

3. Acid polishing

Sanding the surface of the glass is also necessary before polishing it when treating its surface with acid since acid polishing can significantly reduce the thickness of the glass but may leave some roughness behind. Depending on the type of glass used, its composition varies. This approach is incredibly risky! Non-experts and businesses with full equipment do not advise self-testing.

Any glass is a suitable material, but the polishing results will vary depending on the type of glass used.

A significant amount of the glass product's water horn is lost because of the uncontrolled smoothness.

The BD wheel and the BK wheel are different types of glass grinding wheels:

BK wheel

BK wheels, also known as glass edge polishing wheels, mud wheels, and so on, are made of unique materials.

Application: The mud wheel (BK) wheel is mostly used on straight-edge machines, double-edge machines, special-edge grinding machines, and linear round-edge machines to polish the periphery of the glass. BK wheels are designed specifically for the delicate processing of furniture, decorative, and craft glass. Cup-shaped BK wheels are typically used for straight and double-sided machine polishing, whereas parallel BK wheels are typically used for special-shaped machine polishing. Abrasion resistance is excellent. The BK wheel can also be used to polish the bottom edge of the glass and chamfer it. The mud wheel (BK wheel) is available in a variety of sizes, including 40, 60, 80, 120, and 240.

BD Wheel

The BD wheel is comprised of a special polymer substance that is combined with extremely sharp alumina and silicon carbide. It has a high degree of elasticity and polishing efficiency. It is distinguished by long-term shape preservation and an extremely bright polished glass edge. It's a standard glass-edge processing technology.

Application scope: The type of polishing wheel used on the profiled machine.

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