Views: 202 Author: zhongle Publish Time: 2023-08-16 Origin: Site
As a final stage in polishing the edges or bevels of flat glass, mirror rings are combined with cerium. Applications for this flat glass include both structural and ornamental ones. The visual outcome of polishing the machined glass edges will probably be the focal point of the piece, whether you're polishing a beveled conference table or a mirror in your lobby. The mirrored ring does not polish the glass; rather, it transports the abrasive to the surface, where the magic of glass polishing takes place.
Natural felt was the material of choice for polishing glass up until the 1980s. Natural wool felt that has been felted to density is very forgiving, great at transporting abrasives, and stable in water. The initial cost of natural felt is a drawback, as is the fact that it breaks down in water and promotes bacterial development. Related product: Spiral Wool Felt Polishing Wheel.
The development of solid and synthetic spirals has made it possible to maintain the best polish quality while lowering the overall cost of polishing and increasing control over the physical properties of the mirror ring. Currently, Nobler Glass offers seven different spiral synthetic styles in addition to one solid synthetic polishing wheel. Due to the high cost of raw materials, solid mirror rings are the least affordable. The spiral mirror rings have a special design that makes them ideal for OEM equipment, applications, or basic item. Nobler Glass can create a wide range of spirals by varying the density of synthetic sub-straight, fiber size, fiber tangling, chemistry, and manufacturing technique. These items range from a simple mirror ring with an average product life of 40 run hours to some of our most recent technologies, which can endure more than 120 hours in the same manufacturing setting.
Because of the variety of products, batch size, and finish requirements, each company has unique requirements. The Nobler Glass product line is intended to meet all needs. Cheap wheels with limited run times are ideal for small batches or job shop bevels; however, manufacturers with very long run times will benefit from the benefits of extended-life polishing wheels. Some customers may require a very soft product for thin glass, but others may require it to be as firm as possible to apply as much pressure as possible and produce as much product as possible in the quickest amount of time.
Nobler Glass has spent many years creating products for several glass markets. Nobler Glass has not only been successful in inventing a variety of items, such as glass polishing wheels, glass machines, and glass racks, but it has also received multiple patents as a result. Please contrast us with our competitors. We are the only manufacturer in the world that offers a selection of active styles. Please contrast our product lineup with that of other manufacturers if you dare. We promise that by lowering the cost of production per unit, we will be able to enhance the value of your polishing process. Products from Nobler Glass will have one of the following advantages over those of our rivals:
Reduce the price of your mirror ring, boost your machine's top speed, and improve your line's uptime
extend the wheel's lifespan
shorten the time needed for mirror ring hub mounting
Boost the polish's quality
Reduce the amount of cerium used Lower the pressure needed to run glass, which will result in less breakage
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