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The primary glass machinery type and processing principle

Views: 202     Author: zhongle     Publish Time: 2023-05-08      Origin: Site


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Glass is not only translucent, but it also has high strength and hardness, making it a vital material in everyday manufacturing and existence. Glass comes in a variety of forms, including float glass, tempered glass, hot melt glass, laminated glass, frosted glass, and other special-function glass. The following information will assist you in understanding the category of glass machinery and the principle of glass toughening furnace processing.

What is the major category of glass machinery?

The term "glass machinery" refers to the use of industrial machinery and equipment in the manufacture and processing of glass. Equipment for glass cold treatment and equipment for glass heat treatment make up the two main types of glass machinery. Glass cold treatment equipment includes machinery for cleaning, grinding, and polishing glass; glass heat treatment equipment includes a tempering furnace, a hot bending furnace, and other devices.

Glass machinery is divided into the following categories: float glass production lines, methods of production lines, toughened furnaces, homogeneous furnaces, laminating lines, hollow lines, coating lines, screen printing equipment, glass edge grinding machines, glass washing machines, glass sandblasting machines, glass polishing machines, slice machines, cutting machines, drilling machines, engraving machines, etc. Glass washing machines are among the more popular glass machinery types, and glass edge grinding machines are another.

The glass toughening furnace's operating method

A glass tempering furnace is a piece of machinery that may generate tempered glass chemically or physically. It can also produce tempered glass physically.

Physical glass toughening equipment uses plate glass heating and rapid cooling technology to process the glass into compressive and tensile stresses on the surface, increasing the glass's strength and converting common annealed glass into the toughened glass. It is known as physical glass toughening equipment because this type of toughening does not alter the chemical composition of the glass.

It is classified into two types based on its heating characteristics: forced convection heating tempering equipment and radiation heating tempering equipment. If functional characteristics are to be divided based on the structure of the equipment, it can be divided into combined toughening equipment, flat toughening equipment, bending toughening glass equipment, continuous toughening equipment, two-way toughening equipment, hanging furnaces, and so on. Chemical toughening equipment works by changing the chemical composition of the glass to improve its strength, the appearance of deal kali, alkali metal ion exchange, and other ways. This type of toughening style is known as chemical-type glass toughening equipment because it changes the chemical composition of glass

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